Integrative Treatment

Integrative treatment

A combination of therapies tailored to your needs

A variety of techniques such as Shiatsu, Deep tissue massage, Holistic massage, Reflexology, Acupuncture, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Pregnancy Massage and Craniosacral therapy, are combined to create a unique treatment session tailored to your individual needs. A wide range of touch and pressure is used to release the tension from your body-mind while taking into consideration the alignment of the body as a whole.

Integrative treatment is known to help with:

  • Circulation
  • Headache
  • Immune System
  • Muscle tension and pain
  • Relaxation
  • Stress

Do you take a case history at the first session?

Yes, to make sure the treatment is tailored to your needs.

What should I wear?

For treatment, you will be expected to remove outer clothing but keep your underwear on. 

Do you use oil/cream?

Oil is used for the treatment but it could be done without if the client requests.

Which therapy should I have; Structural Integration or Integrative Treatment?

They might seem similar yet quite different. Both are hands on and holistic treatment. People can get a lot of benefit from Integrative Treatment since it could combine different treatment, for instance, Accupuncture and Craniosacral therapy. However, if the client has more complexed issue such as past injury or chronic pain, Structural Integration would be more suitable.

Structural Integration session is more focused on longer-lasting effect and transformation by improving the client’s posture, alignment and awareness in their body. It helps the client to explore their both physical and psychological pattern that is often unconscious.

60min at £80
90 min at £120

Treatment is altered for you by combining from following