Structural Integration


Our bodies are manifestation of who we are

Structural Integration (SI, also know as Rolfing) is a form of hands-on bodywork based on the work of Dr Ida P. Rolf, PhD. It uses a variety of techniques to work on soft tissues of the body such as myofascial release. Unlike massage, SI focuses on helping the body to be balanced and well-aligned within the gravity and is aiming for a long term change rather than a temporal release.



In order to achieve more permanent results, the therapist and the client work together to bring client’s awareness to their habitual patterns such as body use, adaptation after a physical or mental trauma, and impact of the culture and environment.
A series of 10 sessions is the most common approach to enable the entire body to be balanced, leading to longer lasting and fundamental changes.   

Structural Integration is known to help with:

  • Chronic/acute pain such as neck, back, hip and knee
  • Headache
  • Muscle tension
  • Past injury/surgery pain
  • Post trauma tension
  • Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
  • Restriction of movement
  • Sciatica
  • Tempomandibular Joint Dysfunction(TMJ)

It also helps to improve

  • Breathing
  • Energy level
  • Flexibility
  • General sense of wellbeing 
  • Body-mind awareness
  • Posture/alignment

What should I wear?

For treatment, you will be expected to remove outer clothing but keep your underwear on

Do I have to have 10 sessions?

We recommend having 10 sessions as this is often what it is needed to re-balance the entire body.  Ultimately, the number of sessions depends on how much change the client wants to enable.  As everyone has a different body and different needs, the number of the session may be less than ten. A minimum of three sessions is recommended to get the benefit and longer-lasting effect, particularly if the client has never had Structural Integration or Rolfing before.

Which therapy should I have; Massage, Structural Integration or Myofascial Release?

 They are similar yet quite different. People can get a lot of benefit from massage, but if the client has more complex issues such as past injury or chronic pain, Myofascial Release would be more suitable.

Myofascial Release is used during the Structural Integration session. However, Structural Integration sessions are more focused on longer-lasting impact and bodily transformation by improving the client’s posture and alignment. Structural Integration helps the client to explore both their physical and psychological patterns that are often unconscious.

1st Appointment 1hr15min at £105
Follow-up 60 min at £95 
Follow-up 90 min at £140